Directories, files, and file names


Header: #include <mrpt/system/filesystem.h>.

Library: [mrpt-system]

// global functions

std::string mrpt::system::getTempFileName();
std::string mrpt::system::getcwd();
std::string mrpt::system::getShareMRPTDir();
bool mrpt::system::createDirectory(const std::string& dirName);
bool mrpt::system::deleteFile(const std::string& fileName);
void mrpt::system::deleteFiles(const std::string& s);

bool mrpt::system::renameFile(
    const std::string& oldFileName,
    const std::string& newFileName,
    std::string* error_msg = nullptr

bool mrpt::system::deleteFilesInDirectory(const std::string& s, bool deleteDirectoryAsWell = false);
std::string mrpt::system::extractFileName(const std::string& filePath);
std::string mrpt::system::extractFileExtension(const std::string& filePath, bool ignore_gz = false);
std::string mrpt::system::extractFileDirectory(const std::string& filePath);
bool mrpt::system::fileExists(const std::string& fileName);
bool mrpt::system::directoryExists(const std::string& fileName);

std::string mrpt::system::fileNameStripInvalidChars(
    const std::string& filename,
    const char replacement_to_invalid_chars = '_'

std::string mrpt::system::fileNameChangeExtension(const std::string& filename, const std::string& newExtension);
uint64_t mrpt::system::getFileSize(const std::string& fileName);
time_t mrpt::system::getFileModificationTime(const std::string& filename);
std::string mrpt::system::filePathSeparatorsToNative(const std::string& filePath);

bool mrpt::system::copyFile(
    const std::string& sourceFile,
    const std::string& targetFile,
    std::string* outErrStr = nullptr

std::string mrpt::system::toAbsolutePath(const std::string& path, bool resolveToCanonical = false);
std::string mrpt::system::pathJoin(const std::vector<std::string>& paths);

// macros


Global Functions

std::string mrpt::system::getTempFileName()

Returns the name of a proposed temporary file name.

std::string mrpt::system::getcwd()

Returns the current working directory

std::string mrpt::system::getShareMRPTDir()

Attempts to find the directory [PREFIX/]share/mrpt/ and returns its absolute path, or empty string if not found.

Example return paths: Linux after installing = /usr/share/mrpt/; manually-built system = [MRPT_SOURCE_DIR]/share/mrpt/, etc.

bool mrpt::system::createDirectory(const std::string& dirName)

Creates a directory.


Returns false on any error, true on directory created or already existed.

bool mrpt::system::deleteFile(const std::string& fileName)

Deletes a single file.

For multiple files see deleteFiles


Returns false on any error, true on everything OK.

See also:


void mrpt::system::deleteFiles(const std::string& s)

Delete one or more files, especified by the (optional) path and the file name (including ‘?’ or ‘*’) - Use forward slash (‘/’) for directories for compatibility between Windows and Linux, since they will be internally traslated into backward slashes (’') if MRPT is compiled under Windows.

See also:


bool mrpt::system::renameFile(
    const std::string& oldFileName,
    const std::string& newFileName,
    std::string* error_msg = nullptr

Renames a file - If the target path is different and the filesystem allows it, it will be moved to the new location.


false on any error. In that case, if a pointer to a receiver string is passed in error_msg, a description of the error is saved there.

bool mrpt::system::deleteFilesInDirectory(
    const std::string& s,
    bool deleteDirectoryAsWell = false

Delete all the files in a given directory (nothing done if directory does not exists, or path is a file).


true on success

See also:


std::string mrpt::system::extractFileName(const std::string& filePath)

Extract just the name (without extension) of a filename from a complete path plus name plus extension.

This function works for either “/” or “" directory separators.

See also:

extractFileExtension, extractFileDirectory

std::string mrpt::system::extractFileExtension(
    const std::string& filePath,
    bool ignore_gz = false

Extract the extension of a filename.

For example, for “dummy.cpp”, it will return “cpp”. If “ignore_gz” is true, the second extension will be returned if the file name ends in “.gz”, for example, for “”, this will return “map”.

See also:

extractFileName, extractFileDirectory

std::string mrpt::system::extractFileDirectory(const std::string& filePath)

Extract the whole path (the directory) of a filename from a complete path plus name plus extension.

This function works for either “/” or “" directory separators.

See also:

extractFileName, extractFileExtension

bool mrpt::system::fileExists(const std::string& fileName)

Test if a given file (or directory) exists.

See also:


bool mrpt::system::directoryExists(const std::string& fileName)

Test if a given directory exists (it fails if the given path refers to an existing file).

See also:


std::string mrpt::system::fileNameStripInvalidChars(
    const std::string& filename,
    const char replacement_to_invalid_chars = '_'

Replace invalid filename chars by underscores (’_’) or any other user-given char.

Invalid chars are: ‘<’,’>’,’:’,’”’,’/’,’',’|’,’?’,’*’

std::string mrpt::system::fileNameChangeExtension(
    const std::string& filename,
    const std::string& newExtension

Replace the filename extension by another one.


fileNameChangeExtension("cool.txt","bar") // -> ""
uint64_t mrpt::system::getFileSize(const std::string& fileName)

Return the size of the given file, or size_t(-1) if some error is found accessing that file.

time_t mrpt::system::getFileModificationTime(const std::string& filename)

Return the time of the file last modification, or “0” if the file doesn’t exist.

std::string mrpt::system::filePathSeparatorsToNative(const std::string& filePath)

Windows: replace all ‘/’->’' , in Linux/MacOS: replace all ‘'->’/’.

bool mrpt::system::copyFile(
    const std::string& sourceFile,
    const std::string& targetFile,
    std::string* outErrStr = nullptr

Copies file sourceFile to targetFile.

If the target file exists, it will be overwritten.

(In MRPT 2.5.0, the copyAttributes param was removed)


true on success, false on any error, whose description can be optionally get in outErrStr

std::string mrpt::system::toAbsolutePath(
    const std::string& path,
    bool resolveToCanonical = false

Portable version of std::filesystem::absolute() and canonical()

If canonical==true relative paths, symlinks, etc. will be resolved too, but an exception will be thrown if the referenced file/path does not exist. If canonical==true, an absolute path will be always returned, even if does not actually exist.

mrpt::system::toAbsolutePath("/home/joe"); // -> "/home/joe"
mrpt::system::toAbsolutePath("../mary"); // -> "/home/mary"

(New in MRPT 2.5.0)

std::string mrpt::system::pathJoin(const std::vector<std::string>& paths)

Portable version of std::filesystem::path::append(), with Python-like name.

mrpt::system::pathJoin({"/home", "foo"}); // -> "/home/foo"
mrpt::system::pathJoin({"/home", "/tmp/a"}); // -> "/tmp/a"
mrpt::system::pathJoin({".", "sub","file.txt"}); // -> "./sub/file.txt"

(New in MRPT 2.5.0)