template struct mrpt::vision::TKeyPointList_templ

A list of image features using the structure TKeyPoint for each feature Users normally will use directly: TKeyPointList, TKeyPointfList.

#include <mrpt/vision/TKeyPoint.h>

template <typename FEATURE>
struct TKeyPointList_templ
    // typedefs

    typedef typename TFeatureVector::iterator iterator;
    typedef typename TFeatureVector::const_iterator const_iterator;
    typedef typename TFeatureVector::reverse_iterator reverse_iterator;
    typedef typename TFeatureVector::const_reverse_iterator const_reverse_iterator;
    typedef std::vector<FEATURE> TFeatureVector;
    typedef FEATURE feature_t;


    iterator begin();
    iterator end();
    const_iterator begin() const;
    const_iterator end() const;
    reverse_iterator rbegin();
    reverse_iterator rend();
    const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const;
    const_reverse_iterator rend() const;
    iterator erase(const iterator& it);
    bool empty() const;
    size_t size() const;
    void clear();
    void resize(size_t N);
    void reserve(size_t N);
    void push_back(const FEATURE& f);

    void emplace_back(
        const int x,
        const int y

    FEATURE& operator [] (const std::size_t index);
    const FEATURE& operator [] (const std::size_t index) const;
    FEATURE& back();
    const FEATURE& back() const;
    FEATURE& front();
    const FEATURE& front() const;
    const TFeatureVector& getVector() const;
    TFeatureID getMaxID() const;
    const std::vector<size_t>& getFirstIndexPerRowLUT() const;
    std::vector<size_t>& getFirstIndexPerRowLUT();
    TKeyPointTraits<FEATURE>::coord_t getFeatureX(size_t i) const;
    TKeyPointTraits<FEATURE>::coord_t getFeatureY(size_t i) const;
    TFeatureID getFeatureID(size_t i) const;
    float getFeatureResponse(size_t i) const;
    bool isPointFeature(] size_t i) const;
    float getScale(size_t i) const;
    TFeatureTrackStatus getTrackStatus(size_t i);

    void setFeatureX(
        size_t i,
        typename TKeyPointTraits<FEATURE>::coord_t x

    void setFeatureY(
        size_t i,
        typename TKeyPointTraits<FEATURE>::coord_t y

    void setFeatureXf(
        size_t i,
        float x

    void setFeatureYf(
        size_t i,
        float y

    void setFeatureID(
        size_t i,
        TFeatureID id

    void setFeatureResponse(
        size_t i,
        float r

    void setScale(
        size_t i,
        float s

    void setTrackStatus(
        size_t i,
        TFeatureTrackStatus s

    void mark_as_outdated() const;


const TFeatureVector& getVector() const

Returns a const ref to the actual std::vector<> container.

TFeatureID getMaxID() const

Returns the maximum ID of all features in the list, or 0 if it’s empty.

const std::vector<size_t>& getFirstIndexPerRowLUT() const

Returns a vector with a LUT of the first feature index per row, to efficiently look for neighbors, etc.

By default this vector is empty, so if a feature detector is used that doesn’t fill this out, it will remain empty and useless. FASTER detectors do fill this out. In general, a feature list that dynamically changes will not use this LUT.

std::vector<size_t>& getFirstIndexPerRowLUT()

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.