template class Bonxai::VoxelGrid

#include <mrpt/maps/bonxai/bonxai.hpp>

template <typename DataT>
class VoxelGrid
    // typedefs

    typedef Grid<DataT> LeafGrid;
    typedef Grid<std::shared_ptr<LeafGrid>> InnerGrid;
    typedef std::unordered_map<CoordT, InnerGrid> RootMap;

    // classes

    class Accessor;


    const uint32_t INNER_BITS;
    const uint32_t LEAF_BITS;
    const uint32_t Log2N;
    const double resolution;
    const double inv_resolution;
    const uint32_t INNER_MASK;
    const uint32_t LEAF_MASK;
    RootMap root_map;

    // construction

    VoxelGrid(double voxel_size, uint8_t inner_bits = 2, uint8_t leaf_bits = 3);


    size_t memUsage() const;
    size_t activeCellsCount() const;
    CoordT posToCoord(double x, double y, double z);
    CoordT posToCoord(const Point3D& pos);
    Point3D coordToPos(const CoordT& coord);

    template <class VisitorFunction>
    void forEachCell(VisitorFunction func);

    Accessor createAccessor();
    CoordT getRootKey(const CoordT& coord);
    CoordT getInnerKey(const CoordT& coord);
    uint32_t getInnerIndex(const CoordT& coord);
    uint32_t getLeafIndex(const CoordT& coord);


VoxelGrid(double voxel_size, uint8_t inner_bits = 2, uint8_t leaf_bits = 3)

VoxelGrid constructor.



dimension of the voxel. Used to convert between Point3D and CoordT


size_t memUsage() const

getMemoryUsage returns the amount of bytes used by this data structure

size_t activeCellsCount() const

Return the total number of active cells.

CoordT posToCoord(double x, double y, double z)

posToCoord is used to convert real coordinates to CoordT indexes.

CoordT posToCoord(const Point3D& pos)

posToCoord is used to convert real coordinates to CoordT indexes.

Point3D coordToPos(const CoordT& coord)

coordToPos converts CoordT indexes to Point3D.

template <class VisitorFunction>
void forEachCell(VisitorFunction func)

forEachCell apply a function of type:

void(DataT*, const CoordT&)

to each active element of the grid.