class mrpt::hwdrivers::CJoystick

Access to joysticks and gamepads (read buttons and position), and request number of joysticks in the system.

#include <mrpt/hwdrivers/CJoystick.h>

class CJoystick

    bool getJoystickPosition(
        int nJoy,
        float& x,
        float& y,
        float& z,
        std::vector<bool>& buttons,
        int* raw_x_pos = nullptr,
        int* raw_y_pos = nullptr,
        int* raw_z_pos = nullptr

    void setLimits(
        int x_min = -32767,
        int x_max = 32767,
        int y_min = -32767,
        int y_max = 32767,
        int z_min = -32767,
        int z_max = 32767

    static int getJoysticksCount();


bool getJoystickPosition(
    int nJoy,
    float& x,
    float& y,
    float& z,
    std::vector<bool>& buttons,
    int* raw_x_pos = nullptr,
    int* raw_y_pos = nullptr,
    int* raw_z_pos = nullptr

Gets joystick information.

This method will try first to open the joystick, so you can safely call it while the joystick is plugged and removed arbitrarly.



The index of the joystick to query: The first one is 0, the second 1, etc… See CJoystick::getJoysticksCount to discover the number of joysticks in the system.


The x axis position, range [-1,1]


The y axis position, range [-1,1]


The z axis position, range [-1,1]


Each element will hold true if buttons are pressed. The size of the vector will be set automatically to the number of buttons.


If it is desired the raw integer measurement from JoyStick, set this pointer to a desired placeholder.


If it is desired the raw integer measurement from JoyStick, set this pointer to a desired placeholder.


If it is desired the raw integer measurement from JoyStick, set this pointer to a desired placeholder.


Returns true if successfull, false on error, for example, if joystick is not present.

See also:


void setLimits(
    int x_min = -32767,
    int x_max = 32767,
    int y_min = -32767,
    int y_max = 32767,
    int z_min = -32767,
    int z_max = 32767

Set the axis limit values, for computing a [-1,1] position index easily (Only required to calibrate analog joystick).

Set the axis limit values, for computing a [-1,1] position index easily.

It seems that these values must been calibrated for each joystick model.

See also:


static int getJoysticksCount()

Returns the number of Joysticks in the computer.