MRPT  2.0.4
mrpt::math::TPlane Member List

This is the complete list of members for mrpt::math::TPlane, including all inherited members.

contains(const TPoint3D &point) constmrpt::math::TPlane
contains(const TSegment3D &segment) constmrpt::math::TPlaneinline
contains(const TLine3D &line) constmrpt::math::TPlane
distance(const TPoint3D &point) constmrpt::math::TPlane
distance(const TLine3D &line) constmrpt::math::TPlane
evaluatePoint(const TPoint3D &point) constmrpt::math::TPlane
getAsPose3D(mrpt::math::TPose3D &outPose) constmrpt::math::TPlane
getAsPose3DForcingOrigin(const TPoint3D &center, TPose3D &pose) constmrpt::math::TPlane
getNormalVector() constmrpt::math::TPlane
getUnitaryNormalVector() constmrpt::math::TPlane
TPlane(const TPoint3D &p1, const TPoint3D &p2, const TPoint3D &p3)mrpt::math::TPlane
TPlane(const TPoint3D &p1, const TVector3D &normal)mrpt::math::TPlane
TPlane(const TPoint3D &p1, const TLine3D &r2)mrpt::math::TPlane
TPlane(const TLine3D &r1, const TLine3D &r2)mrpt::math::TPlane
TPlane(double A, double B, double C, double D)mrpt::math::TPlaneinline
TPlane(const double(&vec)[4])mrpt::math::TPlaneinline

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