MRPT  1.9.9
External library dependencies and build options

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List of all MRPT dependencies / build options

Library/Build option Mandatory?
eigen3 Mandatory (embedded if not external found)
opencv Optional but recommended
wxWidgets Optional but recommended
opengl+glut Optional but recommended
SSE* optimizations Optional but recommended
libftdi Optional
libpcap (or WinPCap) Optional
libusb Optional (needed for Kinect)
libzmq (ZeroMQ) Optional (*) (Network transport layer)
pcl Optional (*)
LAS (liblas) Optional
suitesparse Optional (but partly embedded)

Note: (*) means that the functionality is header-only. This means that will be available even if MRPT is built without those libraries, but the user program includes both, the external library, and MRPT headers.

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