Main MRPT website > C++ reference for MRPT 1.5.7
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1 /* +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
2  | Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) |
3  | |
4  | |
5  | Copyright (c) 2005-2017, Individual contributors, see AUTHORS file |
6  | See: - All rights reserved. |
7  | Released under BSD License. See details in |
8  +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
10 #pragma once
13 # include <mrpt/utils/mrpt_macros.h>
14  MRPT_WARNING("Deprecated header: Use <mrpt/tfest.h> or individual headers instead")
15 #endif
17 #include <mrpt/utils/utils_defs.h>
18 #include <mrpt/math/math_frwds.h>
21 #include <mrpt/poses/poses_frwds.h>
24 namespace mrpt
25 {
26  namespace scanmatching
27  {
28  /** \deprecated Use functions in mrpt::tfest */
29  MRPT_DEPRECATED("Deprecated: Use mrpt::tfest::se3_l2() instead")
30  double TFEST_IMPEXP HornMethod(
31  const std::vector<double> &inPoints,
32  std::vector<double> &outQuat,
33  bool forceScaleToUnity = false);
35  /** \deprecated Use functions in mrpt::tfest */
36  MRPT_DEPRECATED("Deprecated: Use mrpt::tfest::se3_l2() instead")
37  double TFEST_IMPEXP HornMethod(
38  const std::vector<double> &inPoints,
39  mrpt::poses::CPose3DQuat &outQuat,
40  bool forceScaleToUnity = false);
42  /** \deprecated Use functions in mrpt::tfest */
43  MRPT_DEPRECATED("Deprecated: Use mrpt::tfest::se3_l2() instead")
45  const mrpt::utils::TMatchingPairList &in_correspondences,
46  mrpt::poses::CPose3DQuat &out_transformation,
47  double &out_scale,
48  const bool forceScaleToUnity = false);
50  /** \deprecated Use functions in mrpt::tfest */
51  MRPT_DEPRECATED("Deprecated: Use mrpt::tfest::se3_l2() instead")
53  const mrpt::utils::TMatchingPairList &in_correspondences,
54  mrpt::poses::CPose3D &out_transformation,
55  double &out_scale,
56  const bool forceScaleToUnity = false);
58  /** \deprecated Use functions in mrpt::tfest */
59  MRPT_DEPRECATED("Deprecated: Use mrpt::tfest::se3_l2_robust() instead")
61  const mrpt::utils::TMatchingPairList &in_correspondences,
62  mrpt::poses::CPose3D &out_transformation,
63  double &out_scale,
64  vector_int &out_inliers_idx,
65  const unsigned int ransac_minSetSize = 5,
66  const unsigned int ransac_nmaxSimulations = 50,
67  const double ransac_maxSetSizePct = 0.7,
68  const bool forceScaleToUnity = false);
70  /** \deprecated Use functions in mrpt::tfest */
71  MRPT_DEPRECATED("Deprecated: Use mrpt::tfest::se2_l2() instead")
73  mrpt::utils::TMatchingPairList &in_correspondences,
74  mrpt::poses::CPose2D &out_transformation,
75  mrpt::math::CMatrixDouble33 *out_estimateCovariance = NULL);
77  /** \deprecated Use functions in mrpt::tfest */
78  MRPT_DEPRECATED("Deprecated: Use mrpt::tfest::se2_l2() instead")
80  mrpt::utils::TMatchingPairList &in_correspondences,
81  mrpt::poses::CPosePDFGaussian &out_transformation );
83  /** \deprecated Use functions in mrpt::tfest */
84  MRPT_DEPRECATED("Deprecated: Use mrpt::tfest::se2_l2_robust() instead")
86  mrpt::utils::TMatchingPairList &in_correspondences,
87  mrpt::poses::CPosePDFSOG &out_transformation,
88  float normalizationStd,
89  unsigned int ransac_minSetSize = 3,
90  unsigned int ransac_maxSetSize = 20,
92  unsigned int ransac_nSimulations = 0,
93  mrpt::utils::TMatchingPairList *out_largestSubSet = NULL,
94  bool ransac_fuseByCorrsMatch = true,
95  float ransac_fuseMaxDiffXY = 0.01f,
96  float ransac_fuseMaxDiffPhi = mrpt::utils::DEG2RAD(0.1f),
97  bool ransac_algorithmForLandmarks = true,
98  double probability_find_good_model = 0.999,
99  unsigned int ransac_min_nSimulations = 1500,
100  const bool verbose = false,
101  double max_rmse_to_end = 0
102  );
103  }
104 }
MRPT_WARNING("This is an old header, please replace with <mrpt/math.h>")
bool TFEST_IMPEXP leastSquareErrorRigidTransformation(mrpt::utils::TMatchingPairList &in_correspondences, mrpt::poses::CPose2D &out_transformation, mrpt::math::CMatrixDouble33 *out_estimateCovariance=NULL)
const float normalizationStd
void TFEST_IMPEXP robustRigidTransformation(mrpt::utils::TMatchingPairList &in_correspondences, mrpt::poses::CPosePDFSOG &out_transformation, float normalizationStd, unsigned int ransac_minSetSize=3, unsigned int ransac_maxSetSize=20, float ransac_mahalanobisDistanceThreshold=3.0f, unsigned int ransac_nSimulations=0, mrpt::utils::TMatchingPairList *out_largestSubSet=NULL, bool ransac_fuseByCorrsMatch=true, float ransac_fuseMaxDiffXY=0.01f, float ransac_fuseMaxDiffPhi=mrpt::utils::DEG2RAD(0.1f), bool ransac_algorithmForLandmarks=true, double probability_find_good_model=0.999, unsigned int ransac_min_nSimulations=1500, const bool verbose=false, double max_rmse_to_end=0)
bool TFEST_IMPEXP leastSquareErrorRigidTransformation6D(const mrpt::utils::TMatchingPairList &in_correspondences, mrpt::poses::CPose3DQuat &out_transformation, double &out_scale, const bool forceScaleToUnity=false)
double DEG2RAD(const double x)
Degrees to radians.
Declares a class that represents a Probability Density function (PDF) of a 2D pose ...
Definition: CPosePDFSOG.h:37
const float ransac_mahalanobisDistanceThreshold
Declares a class that represents a Probability Density function (PDF) of a 2D pose ...
A list of TMatchingPair.
Definition: TMatchingPair.h:78
A class used to store a 3D pose as a translation (x,y,z) and a quaternion (qr,qx,qy,qz).
Definition: CPose3DQuat.h:41
This is the global namespace for all Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) libraries.
A class used to store a 2D pose, including the 2D coordinate point and a heading (phi) angle...
Definition: CPose2D.h:36
A class used to store a 3D pose (a 3D translation + a rotation in 3D).
Definition: CPose3D.h:72
#define MRPT_DEPRECATED(msg)
Usage: MRPT_DEPRECATED("Use XX instead") void myFunc(double);.
std::vector< int32_t > vector_int
Definition: types_simple.h:23
double TFEST_IMPEXP HornMethod(const std::vector< double > &inPoints, std::vector< double > &outQuat, bool forceScaleToUnity=false)
bool TFEST_IMPEXP leastSquareErrorRigidTransformation6DRANSAC(const mrpt::utils::TMatchingPairList &in_correspondences, mrpt::poses::CPose3D &out_transformation, double &out_scale, vector_int &out_inliers_idx, const unsigned int ransac_minSetSize=5, const unsigned int ransac_nmaxSimulations=50, const double ransac_maxSetSizePct=0.7, const bool forceScaleToUnity=false)

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